Saturday 7 April 2012

Stained Glass Egg??

So we have had a pretty busy week with Easter crafts & sweet treats. This was a VERY simple one we tried. 

Miss Pants and I cut a heap of tissue paper into small pieces that we could put on the contact.  (The leftovers went into a plastic container with lid for future crafty endevours. Lol)

I drew a rough outline of what they wanted to make on the right side of the contact then peeled the backing off & taped the contact, sticky side up, to the table top.  H decided to do an Easter egg & Mr Magoo chose a Cross.

Miss pants was way too busy with the scissors to actually make one.  As much as I wanted to make my own, I felt that I should really be supervising her cutting efforts in the interests of health & safety.

When they were done we put another layer of contact over the top and then they cut our their designs and blue tacked them to the windows :)

Ta Daa (lol)

Bye for now, K

P.S. There'll be more craft coming in the next few weeks. 

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