Sunday 27 May 2012

Why Me, Why Now God??

If there is one thing I am beginning to REALLY despise hearing it is the excuse used for things that are hard in our lives at the moment. That excuse being "it's just where you're up to in life" or "everybody goes through a stage like that". Now without sharing specific examples (because they are just too close to my heart & too difficult to share right now), I can safely say "What a load of BS!!" Is it really necessary to provide an "excuse" for a particularly difficult time in life? Is that not like trying to explain away a completely unexpected illness?

Well I don't really know where that came from but it has made me think about some of the sermons we've heard in the past few weeks, from Philippians. Part of Philippians tells of how Paul was locked up, in chains and still he rejoiced in Christ!

Yes, I will continue to rejoice, for I know that through your prayers and the help given by the Spirit of Jesus Christ, what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance.       Philippians 2:19

I'm pretty sure I couldn't rejoice if I was locked up like that...

I read a blog post recently that was on this very topic.  This self pitying questioning faith topic. You can find it here.  It references a verse from Jeremiah. 

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

It basically says to me that God will use what you have been through to make you a better, stronger person, even if that sometimes means dealing with things you'd rather not deal with.  I actually find comfort in that. Paul managed to rejoice in his difficulty.  I can not, but I will move forward regardless and I will do it with Christ leading the way. (If you interested, read on & find out what he says in verses 12 & 13.)

Remember the old saying "Ask & ye shall receive".  I wonder where that came from.

This song has been with me this week.

Bye for now, K


  1. I totally agree!!

    I also think that it is so important not to trivialise the pain/hurt that people experience.

    You inspire me to spend some time dwelling on Luke 11:1-11,


    1. Thank You! I read those verses & particularly took in Luke 11:9-10. They made me think a lot about the other post you commented on on the same day.
      AFTER I wrote this post things were shared with me, about the persecution of Christians around the world through time, that made me realise just how trivial some of my thoughts and complaints have been though. However,I live here and now, and I live because Christ died for ME. He died for YOU too!!

  2. He sure did!! How freeing is that!!

    I agree with you. I think that everyone experiences different difficulties in life.. our 'crosses to bear'.. and it can be tempting to think that others have it harder than us, or conversely, that we have it harder than others. I think that God knows just how hard we find life and understands without comparing, that is the beauty of Christ's life and death. How horrid would it be if he said 'oh yes Sarah, you may think you have it hard but someone else has got it worse, so get over it!'.

    I find your blog very refreshing Karen :) I like your honesty and your ability to reflect on life.
